Monday, June 15, 2009

True Blood Night aka You Gotta Be Kiddin Me

The day was going so well. Went to the gym. Prepped myself to see True Blood. Sally Hall came over and we had prosecco and white wine. The premiere was uh-mazing. After it was over, we headed out to Diablo for social hour with the Diablitos.

Fast forward to like an hour later.

I hear someone say, "Call the police!" Apparently, there was a guy who was being strangled across the street. I immediately call the cops. I was on the phone with the cops when Buckle's GF was like, "Let's just go to the police station!" I hand the phone to Buckle and Buckle's GF and I run off. The cops show up and arrest someone. I go back into Diablo and ask Buckle for my phone. Now the ONLY people who were at Diablo were the regulars and the kitchen staff. Buckle says to me that he put my phone on the bar and now it's gone. It just so happens that the kitchen staff had left and where they were sitting was where my phone was placed.

Sally Hall and I head over to Boots which is where the guys went.

I ask them if they have seen my phone. One of them said no that he didn't have my phone and gave me his bag (rather quickly now that I think about it) to go through and check it. I said, "No, not necessary." I feel like a total dick for even asking. With that, I leave and go back to Diablo. Sally Hall stays there to "investigate" I guess.

All I know is that by now my mind is swirling. SWIRLING. I'm thinking about how I have a lot of important person account numbers, appointments that I had, possible job opportunities that I needed my phone for and lastly, pictures of me and Josh. UGH! Then also, how I going to pay for a new phone.

I'm thinking about all these things when one of the kitchen staff who we had went to see at Boots storms in. He's yelling at me to check his bag and I'm like "No, I've already been over this." People are trying to calm him down and he in the commotion, picks up a glass or a bottle, smashes it on the bar and attempts to shank someone. Everyone is like "SAY WHAAAAAT!?" It was nuts. They get him out of the bar. Izzy is called. Stu-Balls is called. Once again, the cops are called. They lock all the doors. But he comes back! Pounding on the glass doors to get back in.

Finally the cops show up and take him, I guess, to jail.

More madness ensues. I'm yelling at Buckle. Stu-Balls is yelling at me. I'm crying. I need to get the hell out.

I walk home in tears. Some guy comes up and grabs me (not like a rape grab). I think he was attempting to console me. Instead he freaked me out. I yell at him, "To get the fuck away from me. Leave me alone. I don't know you." I run away. He runs after me. I tell him to get the fuck away from me again and tell him I have a knife and I will cut him. I run away again with him in chase and this time I'm yelling, "Somebody help me! This guy is chasing me!" I run away and he's gone. I turn the corner down my street and some gay kids are trying to calm me down. The gays. Heart them!

I proceed to go into my apartment and freak the eff out. I mean really freaking out. The Crazy decided to visit.

I pass out. I wake up this morning and realize I have a back up phone. HA! I still feel like shit. I feel covered with a negative aura all around me. I hop in the shower and I start crying.

I talk to Josh and tell him what happens. We meet for coffee and the usual happens. I needed a little afternoon delight. It made me feel better.

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