Friday, June 5, 2009

Like Seriously

Thank goodness for the SKYPE.
It's been a what like a week of life without Cassan-V. What has happened in that time?
At least nothing interesting.
I'm sitting in my bed on a rainy day in NY, looking for jobs in Philly and wishing I had a bottle of vino. But alas there is no vino in this den of debauchery. I'm watching One Missed Called and not even the "good" Japanese version but the shittacular American version. Honestly, this movie is bad no matter what subtitles you put against it. I mean really....? So a ghost is going to seek revenge to people it doesn't even know through a freakin mobile phone?!

Sweet jeebus. I am going to have to make some adventures for myself aren't I. Too crappy tonight. Will start making fun happen tomorrow. First shul. Then Johnny's apt for some party. Finally...Macau? Will it finally be the time for Asaf and I? Besides the last hijinx that were had?

Now that would be worth writing about.


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