Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 6 - Saturday

I woke up at 5am to poo and drink SWF (salt water flush). Habits I suppose.

Day 5 - Friday. The End?

So yet again 3:33a I wake up with gas pains. Those horrible gas pains. Then I know I am still not cleansed. Those pains were not around the first time I did this cleanse nor the second. Oh well...I had to come to the conclusion that this was a part of the process and that I had clearly effed up my internal workings with a year of crap (aka cheesesteaks and cheese fries).

I give in and wake up.

I chug the SWF mix and now wait. It doesn't take long as per usual before it all comes flushing out of my system. At this point, I am used to it.

I had felt pretty okay on Thursday so I decided that I needed to pack a bag and go to the gym after work. I go through the day and people at work as me when I'll be stopping. I tell them that I'll probably stop later that night. Honestly I only considered stopping because I wanted to drink wine.

The day goes on and I drink my drink and I leave work early with my gym bag in tow hoping that I will stick to the plan.

Not long after I have left work I receive a text asking if I'd like to get a drink. I, of course, do. I immediately feel conflicted however. I'm not ready to stop the cleanse on Day 5. I knew I could hold out a little longer. I needed an intervention. I reached out to 'Ya-Ya' who told me to keep it sober and keep cleansing because I clearly did not want to stop.

I made it to the gym. SUCCESS! And I made it home with no wine and no drink in my mind. I head home, shower and knit. I drink my tea and chat with 'Ya.'

Sleep calls at 11pm and I wait to see.

I'm not sure why I am so terribly torn about the cleanse. I want to continue but it there's a part of me that likes the challenge and wants to see what will happen next. My body hasn't really changed. There is certainly less bloat apparent. It seems that my stomach is shrinking but that may be all in my head. It just feels nice not to be bloated or gassy all day. I think that's what I am afraid of. I'm afraid of if I start eating will those gross feelings instantly return. It's a horrible prospect. Not to mention, I really want to see if I can go a full 7 days.

As I enter Day 6, there is something clear that happened. 3:33a came and went and no gas pains.

Enter Day 6.

Day 4 - Thursday

Thursday was a rough day. It seemed that 3:33a was the "witching hour" for gas pains. I remember thinking, "How am I farting when I have not eaten a thing for FOUR DAYS!? How is there anything left to fart or poo out?!" But there I was pooing out something.
I woke up and was hoping that things would zoom through and I could stop this fast since I was having slight cravings. But then I got to work and didn't really think about it so much anymore.
The day went by and that was it. Day 4 complete with slight cravings but really okay. Not that I could eat anyway because I was totally broke and had no money to buy food anyway.

On to Day 5!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Apt Pix Q

These are just the beginning. I am going to take more pix of it before I move in.

Day Three - Wednesday

I was at the sex clinic all day and then off to see clients.
All day long I wanted to eat soup and have wine. I have to say that I really wanted wine. That's where it was at. That craving. That desire. I wanted a different taste in my mouth. Today was the hardest day. The hardest. I was going to stop by the store and get soup. Soup. Sweet soup. I want to make some homemade soup.
Today I really felt bloated and not bloated. It was like not gassy bloated but rounded belly.
Oh and yes, today was the first real day of my period.

Well I haven't stopped yet but 7 days seems like a less likely thing.

I miss working out. I miss running. I want to go to the gym tomorrow. I think I will. It's been like almost a week since I last worked out.

I am glad that I am resetting my body. I can tell by the poo that there was something not right in my system. The only time I have ass air now is when I drink the tea. Last time, the dark poo didn't last for three days I don't think.

Tomorrow is a new day. Got to get this internal digestive system ready.

Day Two - What Fresh Hell Is This

Day Two begins with an early morning pee. It's roughly 3:37a in the morning and I go pee. No biggie. About 20 minutes later, I feel horrible horrible gas pains rumbling in my gullet. I am like "Don't fart because it's probably poo." So I get up. I go to the toilet and fart. It's just gas - success.
Back to bed. Gas pains. Toilet. Ass air.
Back to bed. Gas pains. Toilet. Disgusting dark brown material. Success.
I have to wake up in two hours to get to work and I tell you it was not easy to wake up at that hour, chug the salt water, poo and then get ready for work.
Today was rough! I had cravings all day long. There were cookies and taco salads for lunch. I mean it was rough. I was not in the mood at all. I wanted to be done.
Then after another 12.5 hour day at work, I had to run effin cat errands. I was not loving life at this moment and thought to myself, "Nuts to this."
Then I got home and drank the delish lemonade and all was right with the world.
I drank my tea (but put a little maple syrup in it). Had to wake up to pee again but that was all.
Off to bed.

Day One - Monday

Well I woke up this morning and whipped up a batch of the old salt water for the flush. I have to say I woke up excited about it but also not super excited. But whatever, I was going to do it.
I stood there and chugged that water. That cracker juice tasting water. UGH! It's effin foul but now we play the waiting game.
After getting ready for work, it hits me!!! BOOM!!! The might might poos.
It's disgusting.
This dark disgusting repugnant material.
I chill at home for a while and head to work.
I had a few hunger pains but managed to make it. I did work 12.5 hours so I had some distraction.
I made it home and had the tea.
The bowel moving tea.
Fast forward to Day Two...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 2010 - New Year. New Attitude

It's a new year and I have to get out of my bad frame of mind. I am hoping to get the apartment downtown. I do really think it will help in my attitude change. Better neighborhood. Better outlook. I hope to find out if I get the place by the end of the week. I want this place. I really want the place. It's close to Starbucks, my gym, Whole Foods and transit. Wish me luck on that one.

Since it is a new year, I am doing the Master Cleanse yet again. I don't think that I will be able to go the full 10 days but a week (7 days) should be okay. I will be updating the experience day by day on this blog.

Night One: I have taken the Smooth Move tea. I'll have to wake up early to make sure all starts off well...if you know what I mean. Also I was reminded that I need to get some "loo paper" as I have only one roll left.

Stay tuned and Happy 2010!